Dip on Natural Nails
A strong, healthy and durable nail application. Look and feel natural with added vitamins and calcium.
 Price: $50.00

Dipped or SNS nails are a dip powder system and end up so strong and long wearing plus a lot healthier than getting gel or acrylics as they’re infused with vitamins and calcium so make your nails grow longer too. They are odorless and also don’t require UV light to set. A dipping set is supposed to last 2-3 weeks, but they may even last up to a month or more depending on the level of at-home care after the treatment is applied. At Elodie The Nail Lounge at Lewis Center, our goal is to make the dipping set look as natural as possible but durable at the same time. Come try us out and you will have the best dipped nails you’ve ever had.

Dip nails, also known as SNS nails or powder dip nails, have gained popularity due to their durability and versatility. Here are some benefits of dip nails:

  1. Durability: Dip nails are known for their long-lasting durability. They are resistant to chipping and can withstand everyday wear and tear better than traditional nail polish.
  2. Strength: Dip nails can help strengthen natural nails. The powder used in the process adds an extra layer of protection, making nails less prone to breakage.
  3. Versatility: Dip nails come in a wide range of colors and finishes. You can achieve various looks, from natural and understated to bold and vibrant, with dip powders.
  4. No Odor: Unlike some acrylic nail applications, dip nails usually have little to no strong odor, making the application process more pleasant.
  5. Quick Application: The process of applying dip nails can be faster than other nail enhancement methods like traditional acrylics. This can save time during salon visits.
  6. Low Maintenance: Once applied, dip nails typically require minimal maintenance. They don’t require regular touch-ups, making them convenient for people with busy lifestyles.
  7. Less Damage: When applied and removed correctly, dip nails are less likely to damage the natural nails compared to some other nail enhancement methods.
  8. Natural Look: Dip nails can be applied in a way that looks natural, enhancing the appearance of the natural nails without appearing overly thick or bulky.
  9. Healthier Ingredients: Many modern dip powder systems are formulated with healthier, non-toxic ingredients, making them a safer option for nail enhancements.

Remember, while dip nails have many benefits, it’s essential to have them applied and removed by a trained professional to prevent any potential damage to your natural nails.